This is the first page of Louise's Book. The picture is Louise as a baby being held by her older brother Horace. I really love this old professional picture. The story on this page is in her own hand writing and is the first page in the notebook she gave me of her life story. The story talks of were she was born and some of her earliest memories. She tell of her father working as a mortician and opening a funeral parlor in her grandfather's furniture store in Bolivar, Missouri. She said, "An undertaker had to build his own caskets in those days plus the fact that these Missouri Ozark people had never had an undertaker before and Dad had to take a law man with him or they would not let him have the bodies." Her father decided that maybe building power plants would be easier work so Louise's dad became an electrical engineer of his time building power plants in several cities. Because of his work the family moved lots while Louise was growing up. She has some interesting memories recorded in this notebook. I an excited to see what this book becomes.
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